Image Courtesy of Jess Ann Kirby

Follain is back and better than ever.

Written by: Jess Ann Kirby

My first encounter with the Follain brand was 5 years ago. It was also my introduction to the concept of clean beauty. When they launched their first products I was eager to try them, and immediately hooked. Over the last 5 years, Follain has been a mainstay in my medicine cabinet and the brand I recommend anytime someone asks me for simple skin care that’s easy and effective. I’ve turned many friends into Follain converts, and their recent relaunch with more sustainable upgrades is really exciting. 

One of my favorite things about Follain is the luxurious experience. Now, their packaging is more sustainable than ever. From recycled plastic bottles and glass to reusable candle packaging made of concrete, it reduces packaging waste without sacrificing quality. 

Over the years I’ve tried and tested countless products and brands. The one that has remained constant in my routine is Follain. Their formulations are simple but effective, and they’ve kept me coming back again and again. 

I’ve given Follain products to friends over the years and inevitably I get a text afterwards along the lines of “where has this been all my life”?! One of my best friends with sensitive and reactive skin is a complete Follain convert. Almost every time she restocks the eye cream she sends me a note to say how it’s her favorite product of all time. I agree, it’s a good one. 

It’s hard to pick favorites when it comes to Follain, but these are some of the products that are on constant rotation in my house…


Brightening Serum

I’ve been using this serum since it launched (and even before then when I tested the prototype). It has been my go-to ever since. It’s light, the formula goes on smooth, and I love how it gives my skin a glow. Shop now

Hydrating Mask 

I had friends asking for months when this was coming back. It’s gentle, super hydrating, and great for all seasons. In the winter it helps with dry skin and in the summer it’s great for parched skin from sun and swimming. I always have this in my skin care routine. It’s such a treat and I love that you don’t need to wear it for long to be effective. Shop now


I’m a recent convert to Follain moisturizer and I don’t know what took me so long. It’s lightweight, hydrating, and makes a great base for makeup. It has a nice silky texture and my partner likes it, too (he’s very picky!). Shop now

Candle No 1 and 2

Consider me a super fan for Follain candles, so I was beyond excited to see the new packaging. Made from reusable cement, the candles look chic and smell amazing. Candle No 1 is uplifting and fresh, and Candle No 2 is earthy and floral, but neither are too strong or overpowering. They’re scented with essential oils. For anyone sensitive to fragrance, these are a game-changer. I keep them in rooms all over my house. They also make such nice gifts, I stock up and give them as presents all the time. Shop now

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