Why does the EU ban more ingredients than the USA?

Why does the EU ban more ingredients than the USA?

By now, we all know that United States lags the European Union in banning harmful ingredients in cosmetics. Here’s a few key reasons why this is the case: 

The US operates under a different regulatory philosophy; waiting for definitive proof of harm before taking action on chemical bans or restrictions. This approach, while cautious, can leave consumers exposed to ingredients that may not meet the high standards of safety that the EU upholds. The EU operates on a much different precautionary approach, meaning an ingredient must be shown to be generally safe before being brought to market. 

In the US, the FDA’s authority over cosmetics is fairly limited. Unfortunately, we’ve seen this play out with burden of proof being placed on consumers and advocacy groups to demonstrate that an ingredient is harmful, rather than having a verification system in pace for companies to prove that their products are safe before they hit the market. This approach is not as proactive as the EU where ingredients and products are assessed for safety before being sold. 

Also, in the US, there’s often more of a focus on ingredient use levels guidance instead of outright bans. But this doesn’t always account for the cumulative exposure consumers face from using multiple products daily, which is a concern that the EU addresses more rigorously. 

At Credo Beauty, we believe in the importance of transparency and safety, and that means pushing for higher standards in the US as well. Consumers deserve products that are as safe and clean as possible, and it’s up to all of us in the industry to advocate for better regulation and greater accountability.  

Just because an ingredient is allowed in the US doesn’t mean it’s good for you—or that it should be in your beauty products. 

 - Christina Ross, Director of Science and Policy 


To learn more about ingredients, click here.

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